Why use a Fabric Structure?
Tim Williams writes in “Positioning for Professionals” that “nobody buys a product or service because it can do everything, but rather because it can do something.”
Which led me to think about what our DomeShelter™ Fabric Structures can and can’t do – they clearly can’t do everything so what are they good at and compared to what?
A DomeShelter™ Fabric Structure is typically used as an alternative to a traditional steel shed and has become the workshop and warehouse of choice by many large leading mining and industrial companies – for very good reason.
First, when an enquiry is placed for a shelter, the team at DomeShelter Australia swing into action and can have an order for a standard size shelter fulfilled and installed often within just a couple of weeks. So
No. 1, “what are they good at?” is: Speed from order to installation.
We installed two of the largest fabric structures in Australia at Sun Metals in Townsville at 85 metres long each – even at this size it took just two short months from order to installation.
No. 2, “what are they good at?” is: Easy delivery worldwide in kit form
Second, the shelters are sent to site anywhere in the world in kit form, with everything required for installation. Clients on-site teams simply follow instructions provided to erect the shelter.
No. 3, “what are they good at?” is: Ease and speed of installation.
Thirdly, just as they can be easily installed, they can also be dismantled and moved across or off site to adapt to changing work needs.
No. 4, “what are they good at?” is: Relocation.
Finally, staff amenity is a big concern, that’s why
No. 5, “what are they good at?” is: Lighter, brighter, quieter.
You won’t usually see these features in a traditional steel shed.
As a result, you will see more and more Fabric Structures installed on both metropolitan industrial sites and remote mine sites not only in Australia but across the world.
We are excited to see the increasing use of our shelters and how they are becoming the first-choice shelter option for many companies. Many of our sales are to repeat customers which is testament to their value and popularity with our clients.
The DomeShelter™ team I work with are also excited to see an increasing level of enquiry for export opportunities. Our shelters are now in 30 countries around the world and have recently been exported to Spain and Argentina.
So, Fabric Structures can’t do everything, but what they do, they do well.
written by Bobby Fawkes, DomeShelter™ Consultant