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Hutchinson Builders disaster relief rapid infrastructure

Hutchinson Builders is Australia’s largest privately owned construction company, established in 1912. They have a national presence, across both urban and regional Australia, delivering a diverse portfolio of projects from civil and commercial to residential and more. 

Hutchinson operates a dedicated division – Hutchies Modular – who manufacture modular solutions for a range of purposes. Many of the complex projects undertaken by Hutchies Modular are time critical situations that require flexibility. 

One of these projects was for the NSW government, to provide fast-tracked emergency relief for communities affected by the NSW floods in early 2022. Hutchies created around six residential villages as part of the project, complete with landscaping, play areas, laundries, and other amenities.  

disaster relief rapid infrastructure DomeShelter

In addition to their modular housing, Hutchies required quick-deployable infrastructure to complete their project scope on Cabbage Tree Island, whose Indigenous community of over 180 people was greatly affected by the flood disaster. 

Shelter Solutions were required for recreational areas within the disaster relief village. These needed to be manufactured quickly and installed without difficulty. It was also important that the Shelters be durable and correctly engineered while still being removable for the eventual dismantling of the modular village. 

Hutchinson Builders worked with DomeShelter Australia on two Post Mounted DomeShelter™ Structures. A 10 wide by 27m long Structure provides a protected community area for residents to meet and hold ceremonies, and a smaller 10m x 10m Structure is used for a covered kids play area that protects the children from the harmful effects of the elements. 

NSW fabric dome container shelter

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