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Concrete Mounted Shelter Overview

Concrete blocks or walls provide essential protection to bulk materials under a Concrete Mounted DomeShelter™ Structure

Sturdy and durable non-corroding concrete walls are the perfect solution for bulk materials storage and intensive animal husbandry

Our Specification Guide provides a complete visual guide to all the essential information you need to create a workshop, warehouse or storage solution.

Bulk Materials storage typically requires heavy machinery access and concrete walls provide the strong and sturdy support for the Fabric roof structure

  • Build with pre-cast concrete blocks or
  • custom in-situ concrete walls to your nominated height
  • add a rear concrete wall and fabric end wall options
  • Multiple bay configurations possible with centralised gutter systems
  • Popular also for intensive animal husbandry


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FAQ - Concrete Wall Mounted DomeShelter™ Structure

A DomeShelter™ Fabric Structure mounted on either pre-cast concrete blocks or concrete wall is known as a Concrete Mounted DomeShelter™ Structure

Concrete Mounted DomeShelter™ Structures are most often used for bulk materials storage and are especially useful when large equipment access to the material is required. The concrete walls provide a strong and impervious barrier to support the material when it is being collected or dumped.
Intensive animal husbandry is also another common use as the concrete provides a barrier to wet areas.

In a similar manner to other mounting systems, the concrete blocks or walls are set in place prior to the arched Fabric Structure mounting rail and hoops being secured onto the concrete and the fabric pulled over and secured. All DomeShelter™ Structures are delivered to site in kit form and can be installed by clients teams following instructions provided.

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