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It’s Danny Matic from Matic Transport, business has been established since 2002, started with one truck and now we’ve got about 100 and about 300 trailers. Obviously we do a lot of different types of transport, mainly cement work, bit of heavy haulage, tippers, so yeah we cover all sorts of transport varieties.

As you can see behind me, we bought the Shelter about three years ago, we’re very happy with it, it’s good for the summer, good for winter, obviously good for protection from the rain, in summer we use it for the Shelter because of the sun, so we’re very happy, very good I think it’s a very good product.

The product speaks for itself, we’ve been happy with it for the past three years. It was great from the very beginning to the end, all around its a great product.

I used to always drive past, driving up to Kalgoorlie, obviously going through Cunderdin and I used to see [DomeShelter Australia] on the side of the road, so I was always interested about what the company does, so searched about it when we found a need for it, and that’s how it all started.

We do recommend it to people, obviously there’s a lot of people coming past here, a lot of transport people, other people too so we do recommend it if anyone needs it, we strongly support it.

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